About Stroomversnelling
Stroomversnelling is the Dutch Energiesprong network that facilitates collaboration between all involved stakeholders to enable Net Zero Energy (NZE) makeovers in the Netherlands. It originated from Energiesprong, the Dutch innovation programme that aimed to create NZE buildings on a large scale in the Netherlands. In 2013, Energiesprong brokered the “Stroomversnelling” deal between Dutch building contractors and housing associations to refurbish 111,000 homes to NZE. Two years later, Stroomversnelling became a market initiative designed to take NZE to the next level. The Stroomversnelling network consists of contractors, component suppliers, housing providers, local governments, financiers, TSOs and other parties. Its goals are to reduce the price of NZE renovations, increase occupants’ acceptance of these renovations and increase the momentum and growth pace of the NZE housing market itself.
The Stroomversnelling network is engaging in the following activities:
- Supporting housing associations and solution providers in NZE projects within the Netherlands, which involves help with the matching process between these two parties, engaging tenants, and the selection of the right housing stock;
- Creating an innovation route that facilitates delivering both better products and lower costs;
- Establishing the right market conditions for refurbishments by advising housing associations and solution providers on local laws and regulations on the one hand and NZE and heating networks on the other;
- Sharing knowledge and experience and creating connections between all partners; and
- Developing tools that help housing associations and solution providers to realise NZE projects.
Why is the international market important?
Activating the industry on an international level – in particular in relation to component suppliers – drives the development of new components for NZE concepts forward. International competition motivates the industry to develop better and cheaper products, which obviously benefits every country that is aiming to have NZE buildings.
International funding for market development
Stroomversnelling’s activities are funded by the following stakeholders: governments, housing corporations and companies from participating countries; the European Climate Foundation; and the EU subsidy programmes Horizon2020 and Interreg North West Europe.
Dutch website: www.stroomversnelling.nl