Funding Energiesprong
European funding
Energiesprong attracts funding through several European projects supporting international expansion: Transition Zero (H2020), E=0 (InterregNWE) and Mustbe0 (InterregNWE).
About Mustbe0 – supported by Interreg NW-Europe
After a successful start bringing the Energiesprong approach to France and the UK for single family homes, (E=0), Mustbe0 is now developing a market for apartment buildings in North West Europe, with a focus on the Netherlands, France, UK and Germany. The project aims to improve market conditions, drive technology and develop and implement retrofits for 9 demonstrator apartment buildings in these countries (415 apartments).
The European Interreg NWE “Mustbe0” project has a total budget of 34 million euros and is supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for 11 million euros.
About E=0 – supported by Interreg NW-Europe (project has ended)
The Interreg E=0 project supports the development of an initial set of demonstrators in the UK, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. This support consists of co-funding the first Energiesprong make-overs, expanding the movement in general and supporting the development of better solutions over time. E=0 focuses on:
- Developing and implementing retrofits for the first 30 demonstrators (UK, FR, LUX)
- Analysing the performance of first demonstrators (UK, FR, LUX)
- Developing an industrial incubator for innovating on the technical retrofit solutions
- Sharing knowledge between partners and focus on expansion into Germany
About Transition Zero – supported by H2020 (project has ended)
Under the name Transition Zero, Energiesprong executed an EU Horizon 2020-funded project to set the right market conditions in the UK, France and the Netherlands for the wide-scale introduction of Net Zero Energy homes in the social housing sector. The Transition Zero project completed on 28/2/19.