More award news: Energiesprong UK wins prestigious Ashden Award
The pioneering Energiesprong approach to get UK homes up to the proposed net zero energy standard has won a first prize in the 2019 Ashden Awards.
Ashden assessors applauded Energiesprong’s potential to radically cut carbon from the UK’s housing stock by refurbishing older hard to heat homes, both faster and in higher numbers. They also noted Energiesprong’s progress including the rollout of the Energiesprong approach to homes in Nottingham and pilots including in Maldon, Essex. In the UK a total of 186 net zero energy retrofits are now confirmed with 155 Nottingham households set to benefit from the rollout this year.
Ashden commented: “Energiesprong holds huge promise because it can scale. With industrialisation, costs come down, retrofits get faster and further quality gains become possible. As we move towards a zero-carbon society we can then really look forward to everyone living in a desirable, comfortable home that is affordable to heat.”
40.000 homes per year
Emily Braham, Head of Team at Energiesprong UK, said: “There are 11 million homes in the UK we could retrofit to Energiesprong’s net zero energy standard with today’s technology. Working with the National Energy Foundation on the European Transition Zero and E=0 projects has helped us build significant demand for a model which we’ve shown can work, with front-running landlords who own more than 100,000 homes. At 40,000 homes per year costs will reduce to make the retrofit self-financing, which we are targeting by 2030.”
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