30 Million to scale net zero energy market in the State of New York
Energiesprong has crossed the Atlantic and landed firmly in the United States of America. The State of New York is the first state in the USA wanting to invest in the refurbishment of houses and apartment buildings to net zero energy levels on a large scale. In a demonstration of commitment to these aims, the State of New York has reserved 30 million dollars for the coming 10 years to develop a market for affordable, sustainable and future-proof retrofits.
To make net zero energy happen in the State of New York an independent market development team is being set up by NYSERDA who will host the Energiesprong programme under the name RetrofitNY.
RetrofitNY is a cornerstone initiative of NYSERDA’s multifamily programs. By adapting the Energiesprong process to conditions in the State, RetrofitNY aims to revolutionize the building retrofit industry in New York starting with the affordable housing sector. The project will be geared towards inducing the architecture, engineering and construction industries to develop innovative technical solutions capable of transforming NY’s existing residential building stock to meet net zero levels of energy performance.
Home improvement
The ultimate goal of the RetrofitNY initiative is to develop a self-sufficient, private sector-based market for the implementation, at scale, of deep energy retrofit solutions, thus greatly improving energy performance, health and comfort within existing affordable housing. The initiative will offer building owners and regulators new strategies to preserve affordability and improve their buildings while combating climate change.
The first requests for proposals for net zero energy retrofits should be released at the end of 2017, with the resulting retrofits constructed in 2018.
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