Innovation Day in Berlin advances German-French market development for Net Zero Energy

04 December 2018

At the Energiesprong Innovation Day in Berlin on 16th November more than 80 front runners from German, French and Dutch construction and supply companies met to promote cross-border Energiesprong renovation solutions for the rental housing market. During the event construction companies and suppliers familiar with delivering Energiesprong retrofits helped others to understand their products and services. Participants exchanged ideas and business cards during a matchmaking session. As a result German-French market development for Net Zero Energy refurbishment is now underway and the first regional construction teams are joining forces.

After the opening by German and French organizers dena, Ademe and Greenflex, the day kicked off with a series of inspiring insights from construction and supply companies. Maxime Hugonnet from the French construction company Bouygues Construction presented one of the first French pilots and provided an outlook on planned follow-up projects. Afterwards there were insights into the production approaches of two startups: Jan Willem Sloof of Renolution presented their prefabricated façades and Jasper van den Munckhof of Factory Zero revealed more on the production and installation of energy modules.

Matchmaking at the innovation market

The centrepiece of the event was the innovation marketplace that took place after the presentations. In several short pitch rounds, participants presented their products as part of an Energiesprong solution. Then there was matchmaking with people networking and exploring possible cooperation. The first general contractors and suppliers have subsequently joined together to form regional construction teams and more teams are to follow.

The event concluded with several German and French workshops on detailed questions about the warranty, the building envelope and energy modules. The Energiesprong Innovation Day was organized as part of the Franco-German Energy Platform in cooperation with the Energiesprong France Initiative, which is coordinated by the French energy agency Ademe and the sustainability consultancy Greenflex. For further information about the Franco-German Energy Platform see

Energiesprong Innovation Day was funded by DENAADEME and INTERREG NWE.

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