U.S.A. webinar for net zero energy retrofit mechanical systems on November 13th
On November 13th REALIZE, a collaborative effort led by Rocky Mountain Institute, will be hosting a webinar for mechanical system manufacturers. The webinar will engage manufacturers in exploring partnerships for creating a set of net zero energy retrofit mechanical systems. Directly after the webinar, a request for proposals (RFP) will be issued to select a supplier(s), partner(s), and collaborator(s) to provide the mechanical system solution for a US Department of Energy award pilot building. The system solution should include heating, cooling, ventilation, dehumidification, and domestic hot water heating capabilities (full requirements will be listed in the RFP).
REALIZE is an effort inspired by Energiesprong, developed to catalyze mass-scale, net-zero-energy retrofits. This model employs a process that combines aggregation of demand and a coordinated supply chain to deploy prefabricated mass-scale retrofits. The REALIZE team anticipates great volumes of demand in the United States, opening a completely untapped market of solutions for existing buildings.
REALIZE has received a US Department of Energy award to design, engineer, manufacture and monitor an integrated envelope and mechanical system on a pilot building. The pilot will be a 20-40 unit multifamily building in a major metro area and will be strategically selected to represent a much larger building stock to allow for replicability of the solution at scale, including applicability to the State of New York’s RetrofitNY program.
Innovative and forward-thinking stakeholders in this effort are invited to register for the webinar here.
Feel free to contact the REALIZE team (realize@rmi.org) directly with any questions.
Date: November 13th, 2018
Time: 12:00-1:00 PM Eastern Time
Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1260236432810808066
Net zero energy multifamily building in Utrecht, the Netherlands