Vacancy Energiesprong Germany: Supply Side Support (closed)
To develop the supply side in Germany for Energiesprong solutions, including solution providers, and tier two supply chain, and to support suppliers to understand Energiesprong, create solutions, and reduce costs. The core elements of this role will include:
- Working with front runner aspiring “Energiesprong” suppliers and building companies to help them understand the energy plan, offsite manufacture, performance specification, performance guarantees, monitoring options, and to ensure effective delivery of all of these in pilot and scale up projects
- Establishing a network of tier two suppliers / consultants who could fill gaps in larger organisations or form collaborations to become solution providers (architects, engineers, energy modelling specialists, M & E suppliers or installers, system integrators, component manufacturers)
- Engaging new potential solution providers – understanding the gaps in their organisations, and their triggers and barriers for engagement (scale, long term commitment, pace) resulting in a supplier engagement plan, linked to the Energiesprong project pipeline
- Match making new providers with external consultants or tier two suppliers when projects require.
- Supporting solution providers and suppliers to develop their business models, plan for cost reduction, helping suppliers to think creatively and to understand risk
- Running supply chain engagement events and presenting at relevant events
- Working with solution providers to develop their next tier supply chain, including understanding and testing opportunities for cost reduction through sharing solutions or products (e.g. is procurement for monitoring equipment across all Solution Providers going to save money and if so can we agree a specification?)
Energiesprong Deutschland is taking a market transformation approach to make performance-assured retrofits commercially financeable and scalable. To achieve this a number of market conditions will need to be changed so that housing providers can invest and industry is incentivised to innovate. This is the main role and purpose of the Energiesprong Market Development Teams (MDTs). Energiesprong is focusing on “to create what is needed” instead of focusing on “to do what is possible”.
To learn more and apply download the whole vacancy