United Kingdom
Energiesprong UK has 14 founding partners; frontrunners in the field of sustainability and innovation from the social housing sector as well as construction companies that share the vision of working together towards more comfortable, better looking, affordable and sustainable housing. In addition, it has a range of supporting partners that are relevant stakeholders in the transformation Energiesprong UK is aiming to achieve.
First projects
Nottingham City Homes (NCH), the Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) managing and maintaining Nottingham City Council’s (NCC) council housing stock, chose ten houses in the UK to transform to the Energiesprong standard. The houses are part of a larger renovation project with low energy standards. These ten houses are called ‘2050 Homes’ and have the highest energy standard. The name refers to the ambition that in 2050 all buildings in the UK are low to zero carbon buildings. The ten house pilot project is in contract with Melius Homes and designed by Studio Partington. With this project the first 10 net zero energy retrofits in the UK are realised. The residents now live in ultra-low energy comfortable homes with dramatically reduced household energy . If all goes well and financing is possible, which depends on funding, another 200 to 300 houses of the same type will be renovated.
Hot on the heels of Nottingham City Homes, Moat Homes is also leading the way with pioneering Energiesprong retrofits. Moat have chosen 10 homes in Maldon that would benefit from the energy efficiency works that Energiesprong can offer. Moat are excited to be part of the ground-breaking project and recognise the long term advantages that Energiesprong could bring to some of their customers.
Moat have begun the process of procuring a suitable contractor and the successful organisations should be selected before the end of October 2017.
Energiesprong UK has received support from:
- Innovationprogramme Horizon2020/Transition Zero
- Interreg North-West Europe / E=0
- Founding partners; housing associations and solution providers
Online community
Website: http://www.energiesprong.uk/
Twitter: @EnergiesprongUK
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/energiesprong-uk/
Emily Braham
Emily Braham is leading the team to develop the Energiesprong model in the UK.
For the rest of the team see: https://www.energiesprong.uk/contact

Nottingham pilot homes, photographer Donald Michael Chambers